Hello there. I'm Paul Tranter. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Some of the most rewarding moments in my life have been through helping others. My insatiable curiosity has enabled me to gather knowledge and skills that I hope can help you. The areas I cover are;
Business and Investment: I’m an entrepreneur, business owner and investor. I have been involved in businesses at all stages of their life-cycle.
Leadership and Growth: I’ve led organisations with hundreds of employees and as few as three. I’ve invested tens of thousands in my own personal development.
Technology and Science: I’m a geek. I have spent almost three decades in product development and innovation. I’ve found an addiction that is good for me.
Goodness Knows: The insatiable curiosity I mentioned - sometimes it leads me down interesting roads. Not all of these roads will result in one of the three above 😉
If you have any questions, ideas for blog posts or just want to connect. Please use one of the links below.
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Be happy, healthy and helpful
