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#MindfulMay – Day 28

I must confess that the walking challenge, or something similar, is part of my regular meditation routine. I do it slightly differently. In that, I focus on walking as slowly as possible. I started today’s #MindfulMay challenge walking normally. I found myself slowing down quite quickly and focussing on my movement. I find it almost totally absorbing. If I am feeling anxious then this is my go-to solution. Feeling my internal “gyroscopes” correcting my balance. Feeling my feet strike the ground and my joints working together in harmony. We were “built” to walk. I also do the labelling part but in my head. I find this less distracting than saying things out loud. This also attracts a little less attention when I’m outside 😉

A few things came up whilst doing the challenge. An idea of how I can solve a problem for a client. Thoughts about my cousins who have sadly lost their Mum. I walked with both for a while and then left them behind me, knowing I can always revisit them later. I think doing my spin class before the challenge also helped, my body felt very relaxed.

Do you have a different walking practice? Did I fail today’s challenge? Let me know what you think below…

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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