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#MindfulMay – Day 27

After a fun-filled busy weekend, I thought I would do today’s #MindfulMay challenge “live”. So, I am sitting in the dining room writing this at the same time as doing the challenge.

I can hear the familiar sound of birds singing out the front and the occasional vehicle going by. I’m feeling a little chilly, time to close some windows. Through the windows, it’s getting a little dark, but the array of different shades of green is striking. I am a bit tired still, with one or two aches from camping. I’m feeling relaxed, but sad. I found out today that one of my Aunties passed away last night. You will be missed Aunty Jean x.

My tummy rumbles to remind me it’s dinner time. I think we are being a bit lazy and getting a takeaway delivered. Oh, and here it is! Time to go…

How was the challenge today for you? Do you check in with yourself this way regularly, like me?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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