This was not my first time doing this candle exercise. I have done this as a mindfulness exercise before. Thinking about it, I have done it unconsciously many times before. Going back to being a child during power cuts, there has always been something hypnotic about a flame in the dark. I find myself doing the same when I light a fire.
I chose one of our many tealight candles, closed the curtains and enjoyed the quiet of the house before lighting it. I observed the teardrop shape of the flame; it was almost completely static due to the lack of air movement. The flame was mainly orange and yellow but a very small part of it by the wick was blue. The pool of melted wax grew slowly around the base of the wick; feeding the flame. After a while, a sort of sparkly halo appeared. I think due to my point of focus moving past the flame. The same lack of focus when you “stare off into space”. A slight flicker brought the flame back into focus. I was convinced I could feel some heat from the flame on my face. So, I could not resist moving my hands towards it. I doubt this was the flame, although it did surprise me how much heat it was giving off directly above. My attention wandered a couple of times. Thinking about things I want to do tomorrow. I find meditating in the evening can be “easier” sometimes. With the hustle and bustle of the day behind me, I experience less internal noise.
Whilst writing this, I wondered how long we (meaning animals) have been enchanted by flames? It turns out to be quite a hotly debated topic. The short answer is somewhere between 1.5 million and 230,000 years, depending on your which evidence you think is correct. Of course, this is controlling fire, or using it as a tool. I suspect “we” have been wary and enchanted by flames much longer than that.
Did you find the time to tackle the #MindfulMay day 23 challenge? How was your focus?
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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