I wandered a little outside the brief for day 22 of #MindfulMay. I chose the latest episode of the “Last Week Tonight” show (with John Oliver) to mindfully watch. Sadly, I cannot find a link for this episode to share with you. However, here is a link to one of my favourite episodes. If only I had known this challenge was coming up, I would have saved the Game of Thrones (#GOT) finale…
I get a little buzz when I see that an episode has been recorded. Today was no different. I cannot say I settled in to watch it, it is something more like my brain revved up to watch it. I noticed that there is something about the cadence or pace of the humour. It is quick enough for me to keep up, whilst not being able to predict the punchline. The show is both satirical and informative, a combination that I find irresistible. You know it’s a great show or film when you look up and think where did the time go?
What show or film gets you excited in this way?
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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