I struggled to start this #MindfulMay challenge; which surprised me, as I like to think of myself as open-minded. I enjoy weighing up both sides of an argument before coming to a conclusion. I have even set-up Boardroom decision-making processes this way in the past. What was holding me back?
Part of the inertia was selecting a subject. I decided to go with #Brexit or #Brex-sick, as I refer to it. In 2016, I voted to remain. I have worked for, lobbied and been involved with EU institutions for well over a decade. Without boring you too much; let’s just say I have seen the good and the bad. The good hugely outweighs the bad in my opinion. The EU is far from perfect. The constant undermining of the EU by the UK media and politicians is the main reason the UK decided to leave. Nothing has happened in the last 3 years to change my view (understatement of the year 😉).
Time to move from being a “Remainer” to “Brexiteer”. Just calling myself a Brexiteer sounds so much cooler - who did their PR? Joking aside, I fought for quite some time to put on my “Brexiteer goggles”. I think because I felt there was a whole pyramid of values that I believed about Brexiteers, which are very much against my core beliefs. Of course, my bias is also fuelled by media and politicians. My reluctance was justified, this is a complex issue.
I wrote a lot of pros and cons down, covering areas of law-making, immigration, trade, etc… In some ways, I am too informed on the topic. No matter which side of the argument you are on, or where you come from, I think we are all a bit Brex-sick by now. So, I will not trouble you with more details. I will say this though; I hope that Brexit brings us closer to a World where the “nodes of power” are much closer to the people affected by their decisions. The temptation for ever-larger organisations to represent runaway population growth is a mistake. It puts the decision-makers further and further away from the issues, and out of reach of those affected. I believe the technology revolution we are going through can be used to support a more local and compassionate means of managing ourselves.
Did you take on the day 20 challenge? Are you a “Remainer or Brexiteer”?
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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