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#MindfulMay – Day 2

Bloody ouch! That was my fifth attempt at the day 2 challenge. Physical self-harm has never really appealed to me, I have mentally tortured myself though occasionally. I had several other attempts during the day; varying intensity and the place of the pinch.

I experienced a short delay before the pain registered. Once it got going though, it built to a peak quickly and stayed there for a while. Then I felt the pain decay. It seemed to disappear, unless I focussed my attention fully on it. I could still feel it to some degree 15 to 20 minutes later. As a graph it looked something like this…

The pain stayed very local; it didn’t move around, just a slight radiation from the initial spot. My reaction to pain is very much anger, usually when the pain hits its peak. After that, I was irritated followed by ambivalent. It occurred to me whilst writing this that I can understand why I see so many athletes slapping and pinching themselves. It certainly gives focus, and no doubt a drop of adrenaline and cortisol. What was your experience like?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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