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#MindfulMay – Day 14

Far more came out of this exercise than an extra inch on my waistline. You might want to take a look at the picture below to see the #MindfulMay day 14 challenge before reading on.

An orange treat came out first and I knew buying a family size pack was a good choice. 😉

I decided to get four of each colour out of the bag, to give each a fair chance. As well as saying each thought/thing, I wrote them down.

I reviewed my answers. What struck me immediately, was that for the negatives, things that made me sad, angry or poor choices, I had found it difficult to come up with answers after the initial round of treats. If you know me, this probably will not be a surprise. I like to view the World in a positive light mostly. When asked if I’m a glass half empty or half full person. I like to point out that the glass is completely full, it’s just half liquid and half gas.

The sadness answers could all be grouped as endings of some form or another. Maybe this is the price we pay for our consciousness/awareness. Other than the good or poor choices, most of the rest of my answers were about other people. Whether it be their actions, spending time with them or compassion for their situation.

As I said, a lot more came out than expected. How did you get on?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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