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#MindfulMay – Day 11

I took Oscar on what I think is our favourite walk for today’s #MindfulMay challenge. The first thing that struck me was the birdsong, so many different songs and no doubt messages to each other… I made a quick recording and tried to upload it, after 20 minutes I admitted defeat. The air was completely still, an eerie calm and dense feel to it. It was early, so there was very little traffic noise. The sky was a dark grey with some almost purple tinges.

The route takes us past some horses. Two of which, almost always come to greet Oscar, or keep an eye on him. This morning was no exception. I walked on, taking in the trees and other flora. I noticed Oscar wasn’t with me. I looked back and he was still with his two horse friends. I watched them and imagined the conversation…

“Morning Oscar, what are you doing up here at this time of the morning?”

“I have no idea ladies. I think it’s something to do with this mindful May I keep hearing about. Either that, or his lordship’s pending midlife crisis. Anyway, must dash, he’s looking back at us.”

Two other things struck me as I walked on. The shades and intensity of the various green colours. Something more like the rainforest than England. A combination of the time of year and strange lighting. Also, the various stages of development the trees were in. Some in full bloom, lots of leaves and even blossoms. Others still sparse and in their winter, dormant state. No doubt waiting for their turn and the right conditions to conceive the next generation.

Other than the horse distraction my attention did not wander. Did yours? How was day 10 for you?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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