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#MindfulMay – Day 10

I would not describe myself as a morning person. However, I can get up when I set my mind to it. I’m not usually up and about at 5am, but I do love a challenge...

I knew exactly the spot I wanted to be at for the 5.17am sunrise. I popped on some warm clothes and headed out into a grey, chilly morning. I remembered part of the challenge on the short walk. Something about sunrises and sunsets reminding us of a new beginning and end. This is true, I thought to myself. But every moment of the day (or night) offers the same opportunity to start again, refresh or begin anew.

The cool air was refreshing, forming some condensation on my beard. I cannot say the sunrise was spectacular. Here’s the picture I took before heading home. I confess to feeling a little disappointed.

The gap between expectation and reality is an emotional one. I have learned to cope with it. The internal dialogue goes something like, “this is how it is right now”. Knowing that everything changes and being accepting of it can be very comforting. Here is a picture from a similar spot back in November. I am happy with both!

Tell me, how is your #MindfulMay is going? Did you go for sunrise or sunset?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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