The secret virtue challenge for #MindfulMay is an interesting one. Of course, it is meant to be a secret, and as much as a part of me wants to tell you about it (probably my ego), I am afraid I cannot. That would mean I have failed the challenge.
Instead, I thought I could share a few highlights, quotes and thoughts from what has been an interesting experiment;
My favourite question was “Do I own the roughly 8 billion, billion, billion atoms that make up my body?” from day 1
The fact that I completely missed the irony of getting a song at random called “Let it Happen” for the day 4 challenge
Day 8 was my favourite challenge. That blackbird was a joy, as was my yew tree. Or was it day 24 and the love note?
The touchpoint challenge on day 9 was the most useful for me. I still have the band around my phone
Oscar chatting with the horses still makes me giggle from day 10
“Being overwhelmed with gratitude to the point of not being able to verbalise it is surely bonkers.” Day 17
My favourite discovery was the quote from Malcolm X “When ‘I’ is replaced with ‘we’, even illness becomes wellness” from day 25
Coffee appeared in several places looking back… Strange as I drink more tea.
Finally, I want to thank you. Thank you for the encouraging comments and support, I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading and sharing with others. Thank you for subscribing.
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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