First, know that you are not alone. We all, yes, every single one of us, have had and will have struggles. Struggling is an integral part of being. So, struggling is not unique. It is incredibly unlikely that your particular struggle is unique. You are unique, but your struggle is most probably not. If you have someone to talk to, please go and talk to them now.
If you are still reading, then you are saying that you do not have anyone to talk to about your struggle. If that is because it is not possible to get hold of them, that is fine. If it is because you really do not have someone to talk to, then read on… It is not easy to solve any problem alone, but it is not impossible either. Here we go, you loner 😉
Most struggles stem from one of the following;
Your relationship with yourself. It could be; your inner voice criticising you; not living up to your expectations; feeling like you have let yourself down; seeing yourself as a failure or your thoughts.
Your relationship with others. Perhaps you are not the partner you think you should be? Or, parent, sibling, friend or boss.
Your relationship with something else. This could be your job, your home, a habit, a presentation, money or something like an untidy room?
Grab a pen and paper, this is your “someone” to talk to.
Ask yourself, “am I struggling with myself? Someone else? Or, something else?” Write down for each question exactly what you think, hear, feel or see. Be honest with yourself. This is your treasure. Undiscovered or hidden treasure has no value, it is worthless. Your struggle is resolved, but only on paper. Time to take it to the world and manifest it (make it happen).
The best way to manifest it is to answer the following[1] whilst working through your list;
What am I not saying that needs to be said?
What am I saying that’s not being heard?
What is being said that I’m not hearing?
You now know what you need to do. Will you do it? If you do, this struggle will be over. If you do not, then ask yourself, “what is stopping me?”
Please share this with anyone who might benefit.
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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[1] Thank you to Jerry Colonna (@jerrycolonna) for sharing these.