I remember cringing at this task last year, which made me think, I wonder where last year’s note is. Sure enough, there it was on my phone. I popped in my headphones, so nobody else could hear. The previous cringing was merely a tremor before the full squirm earthquake. I thought, “who is this needy prick I am listening to?”. I really did.
As the astonishing Eleanor Roosevelt is credited with saying, “what other people think of me is none of my business.” As I have matured (aged), I have become more and more in sync with this sentiment. I am quite sure this has a major part to play in the studies that show happiness increases with age.
It does beg the question though, should Paul2019 care what Paul2020 thinks of him, and vice versa? I will leave that with you… In the meantime, thinking about what you would say to yourself 10 years ago if you could, is fascinating. As is, what would you tell or gift to yourself say 20 years from now?
This year’s “note to self” as I call it, is certainly more certain and very much less needy. I can already hear Paul2021 reviewing it; it is like listening to Alan Partridge motivate himself before going live on the radio.
Did you give today’s task a bash? I would love to know, drop a comment below…
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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