Cumin, chilli, salt, coriander, and turmeric were all there in the delightful dhal I was tasting. I noticed the almost metallic taste of spinach, the sweetness of the onion, and the smoothness of ghee. The lentils were soft, but not too soft, enough to make chewing satisfying.
Where I come from, we have a saying that goes something like, “scrumped (read stolen) apples taste sweeter”. I can tell you, as a serial scrumper when a youngster that they certainly were not sweeter. Quite the opposite. Although, how or where you obtain food from can undoubtedly affect the taste. The delightful dhal was delivered to us (whilst in lockdown) by a close friend on my wife. I am sure that the flavours were enhanced by knowing this and taking the time to fully appreciate it for today’s task.
Bhavna’s dhal made me feel incredibly grateful, content and relieved. Relieved, that I managed to save some for the rest of the family.
How did the taste challenge make you feel?
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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