For a large chunk of my life, the “weight” of words did not occur to me. In fact, reading was something I saw as a chore, not a pleasure. That, I am pleased to say, is no longer the case. The Jean Baptiste Girard quote I used to introduce today’s task was not by chance.
“By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.” - Jean Baptiste Girard
It is surely one of the most profound quotes ever, well, in my opinion. Our words are the auditory vehicle on which we attempt to transfer our thoughts to others. Not just to others, you should also listen to your thoughts (or see or feel them somehow). Your inner voice might be the most important, although for many it is rarely heard.
Today’s challenge was an opportunity to the lean in and listen more closely to that inner voice for me. The lockdown has severely reduced my opportunities for conversations with others. I say opportunities and severely reduced, I could have chosen to spend all day on the phone, etc… But that is not me. I like peace and quiet. I love people and connection too! But I do my best work and thinking without distraction.
Today, in all honesty, did not start well in terms of self-talk. I was tired and quite frankly did not want to do my morning routine. Not only did I start to give myself excuses, but I also started to find things that were “not right” etc… Luckily, I have been down this road many, many times before. So, I know the choice I am really making. Feel good after getting it done, or feel guilty and somehow weak for not.
My life changed when I allowed myself to feel good even when I chose not to do it. I mean in the sense that I do not bargain with myself. For example, I could say to myself you have done 5 days in a row, a day off will not hurt. It is not that for me, or not anymore. If I really do not want to do it and I am gathering evidence why I can’t then I don’t. I am no longer trying to measure up to some person I think I should be, or some person others think I should be, no matter how much I love and value them. I am Paul Tranter, who else would I be.
Do you listen to your inner voice? What is it saying right now?
Be happy, healthy and helpful
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