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#MindfulMay – Day 8

A joyful #MindfulMay day 8 challenge for me. Whilst the weather was not conducive to a nature challenge, luckily, I was working from home. I spotted this little fellow through the kitchen window.

He was there for a good 10 minutes, feasting on insects. I was captivated. His movements were almost dance-like, leaning forward to hop around the lawn and find his next victim. Nature is both beautiful and cruel in equal measure it seems. Something he knew well. He kept his wits about him. I guess he has some young nearby. He filled his beak with what looked like two or three small worms and was gone… Even blackbirds have responsibilities.

Eventually the rain stopped. I put on a warm coat and headed outside to watch my favourite tree. Weird I know, but yes, I have a favourite tree. I saw a squirrel and still chose the tree. I knew from the second I read the challenge it would be one of my choices. Have you ever seen a finer tree?

It is a Yew (Taxus baccata). She makes me feel peaceful when I sit outside. Whilst not strictly female, the yew is dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers grow on separate trees. Female flowers are bud-like and scaly, and green when young but becoming brown and acorn-like with age.

She produces thousands of sticky berry-like fruits in late summer / early autumn. They literally carpet the back garden and get walked into the house. Despite being a pain, it is worth it - I know that the red fruit is a favourite with blackbirds ;-)

Did you manage the #MindfulMay day 8 challenge? Do you have a favourite tree, or bird even?

Be happy, healthy and helpful


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