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This website and its content is provided by PCS International Ltd. All rights reserved. PCSi is a trading name of PCS International Ltd. Company registered in England and Wales, No. 10451096. 


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Various legal bodies in various jurisdictions require that bloggers disclose whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations. We think this is perfectly reasonable.


However, in practice this can be difficult to implement in a piecemeal way. It would be tiresome for the readers and us. Therefore, please assume the following for anthing or anyone we mention or recommend;


  1. We were entertained by them, it was at their expense and we had a great time.

  2. We received some free merchandise or gadgets or tools, or at least got a reduced price!

  3. We entered into sexual relations with them, and occasionally one of their gadgets. It was a quiet day in the office and Dave got curious. Who's to say you wouldn't have done the same?

  4. We were paid to do it either in hard cash or some other form of asset, ideally shares.


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